
What categories does Cooling tower fall into based on ventilation methods?

Publish Time: 2024-05-22
Cooling towers are mainly divided into the following three categories according to ventilation methods:
Natural ventilation Cooling tower:
Principle: Natural ventilation Cooling tower mainly relies on the natural convection of air for ventilation. When hot water is sprayed downward through the top of the tower, it will exchange heat with the air in the tower, thereby lowering the water temperature. Due to the density difference, the cold air outside the tower will be naturally sucked into the tower, and after contact with hot water, it will form hot and humid air, which will then be discharged from the top of the tower to form a natural circulation.
Features: The naturally ventilated Cooling tower does not require mechanical power, so it has low operating costs and simple maintenance. However, due to its complete reliance on natural convection, its cooling efficiency is relatively low and is greatly affected by natural factors such as ambient temperature and wind direction.
Application: Natural ventilation Cooling tower is often used in situations where cooling efficiency is not high and power supply is limited, such as some small industrial cooling systems, agricultural irrigation systems, etc.
Mechanical ventilation Cooling tower:
Principle: Mechanical ventilation Cooling tower installs fans and other mechanical equipment to force air into the tower and exchange heat with hot water. This method can greatly improve cooling efficiency and is not affected by natural factors.
Features: The mechanical ventilation Cooling tower has high cooling efficiency and flexible adjustment. The fan speed and wind direction can be adjusted as needed to change the cooling effect. However, compared with naturally ventilated cooling towers, its operating and maintenance costs are higher.
Application: Mechanical ventilation Cooling tower is widely used in industrial fields such as electric power, chemical industry, and steel, as well as in occasions with high requirements for cooling efficiency.
Mixed ventilation Cooling tower:
Principle: The mixed ventilation Cooling tower combines two methods of natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. It has the effect of natural convection and forced ventilation through mechanical equipment to achieve higher cooling efficiency.
Features: The mixed ventilation Cooling tower has the dual advantages of natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation, which not only reduces operating costs but also improves cooling efficiency. But its design and maintenance are relatively complex.
Application: Mixed ventilation Cooling tower is suitable for occasions that have high requirements for cooling efficiency and want to reduce operating costs.

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